Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homeschooling and our annual Sand Dunes Trip

So today I thought I would give you a look at our homeschooling day...now I know each day is different, but I am a planner by nature. So, our day "normally" looks like this....
We start school at 9:00 am....everyone is dressed, had breakfast, made their beds, and completed their morning chores. We always do math first...I think because the girls have always loved it and because it is something that takes up a large chuck of our day and is good to get out of the way. Math usually takes an hour. We use Horizons for the younger years and start Saxon when they are in 3rd grade. I started the girls a year ahead...they were ready for it and I am thankful they have gotten a firm math foundation and are ahead of the game, so to speak. Then the girls can do whatever is on their lesson plans next. This includes reading for 30 minutes from our Sonlight readers, handwriting, grammar, science, geography, spelling, and history. We usually break for lunch around 11:30 and finish around 2:00. This year with the babies has been wonderful...I plan preschool activities for them in the morning until lunchtime, then they have free play time in their room or outside. Then the girls have free time and the babies have "quiet" time for an hour.
Shelby volunteers at a local vet clinic one afternoon a week, the girls have piano and guitar one afternoon, we visit grandma at the library one afternoon to check out books and movies, Kayleigh has drawing lessons one afternoon, and we try to spend one day just vegging at home!!

On Fridays, the girls go to a fabulous homeschool program with other homeschooled children. This program has been such a blessing to our family. The girls are able to take science labs, P.E. team sports, art, robotics, and other subjects that are taught by teachers who are amazing and passionate about what they do. The class sizes are usually less then 10 kids, who could ask for more??!! I am able to spend an entire day with my parents and the little ones.

A Tradition we have is to go to the Sand Dunes in our camper every September. We wait until school has started, when it is empty, and spend 4-5 days together. We all look forward to this trip and we make so many memories...

Here is Willy after a day at the Hot Springs Pool...we just discovered it this year and had such a blast playing in the pools, going on the slide, and jumping off the diving boards!! Last year we found a great hiking spot that has waterfalls, and the year before we went to the alligator farm. We love to explore new places!!

One advantage in going in September is the changing colors...I love Colorado this time of year!! God's work at its finest!!

Here are the girls at our favorite picnic/sledding spot. We discovered this a couple of years ago. It takes a 4 wheel drive vehicle to get there, but so worth it. Streams, tall sledding hills, picnic spots, and fun!!

Here are the girls at the top of our favorite hill...

So thankful and blessed!! So many memories made sitting by the campfire at night, singing songs, telling stories, snuggling, eating smores, and laughing!!

Have a blessed week!!


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